Why in their right mind did they do this? I have no idea. If you care about detailed information about frame data, it's locked behind a paywall as well. And if you don't have a friend, you'll have to get in-game experience waiting for someone to play with that character which can be a challenge in a game with 50 characters. This means, you need to find someone who plays that character. There's a lot of it and unless you have that DLC, you cannot lab against characters in practice mode. But, if you're not exactly the player to go into practice mode frequently or expect to excel very fast, you will probably end up frustrated. If you like a challenge, you'll like this game. This may discourage new players, as several characters have unique mechanics. On the other, this means the game is bloated and learning 1 character out of the 50 present is much more difficult. On one hand, this means you will basically never run out of things to learn, pick up, and something will always be new. I get insanely hype watching and playing the game. + In my opinion, the most engaging fighting game. There's plenty of guides or online groups to help you learn or just to play with. + Active eSports scene, regular events, and active offline scene. There's also the ultimate edition for $20 which includes Season Pass 1 + 2. I think it's on sale on Indiegala right now actually. + Always on sale on websites like Humble Bundle, Indiegala, or Fanatical for around $9. I play Tekken and Soulcalibur somewhat regularly and personally I favor Tekken 7 even though i've grown up being a major fanboy of the Soulcalibur series. It depends on what you want out of a fighting game.