Serial dtmf decoder
Serial dtmf decoder

serial dtmf decoder

It is often used in DTMF tone detection as an alternative to the Fast Fourier Transform because it is quick with low overheard because it is only searching for a single frequency rather than showing the occurrence of all frequencies. The Goertzel algorithm is long standing so see for a full description. This work is entirely based on the Kevin Banks code found at so full credit to him for his generic implementation and breakdown. * This code is a basic implementation of a DTMF decoder for detecting the 16 character DTMF code from the analog pin A0 and gives the decoded output by checking for all the Upper and lower tones in the DTMF matrix and gives us the corresponding number by turning on the corresponding digital bit for the numbers 0-9 and by Serially printing the rest of the characters.

Serial dtmf decoder